Student Morning Drop-Offs

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Parents, please begin dropping students off at the school in the morning no earlier than 7:30. Please note that there is no staff on duty to protect your children until 7:30. We need your help and cooperation with this in order to keep our students safe.

Thank you and see you in the morning.

Face to Face

Each campus has its own respective Facebook Fan Page, and we would like to urge you to visit each page to see the information and resources posted there. If you have a Facebook account, you can click “LIKE” and the posts made to that Fan Page will appear on your Facebook wall. NOTE:  You have to “LIKE” the Primary Facebook for Primary information, and “LIKE” the Intermediate Facebook for Intermediate information.

Please KNOW that you DO NOT have to have any kind of Facebook page to view the wealth of links and resources found on these pages. You will find links to Apps, Websites for Students, Tools for Teachers and Parents, Featured Blog Postings, and much, much, more.

Get quick information right to your phone BEFORE anyone else by visiting our Facebook and subscribing to our posts. We are always working to maintain the best communication with our parents and community.

Meet the Teacher

White Oak Elementary will host “Meet the Teacher” Thursday afternoon, August 22nd. Parents are invited to their student’s classroom to meet the teacher. Please bring school supplies at that time if you have them. The links to school supply lists for primary and intermediate are posted on the right side of the elementary blog.  Also, staff will be available in the cafeteria to accept $15 payment for Intermediate students’ planner/homework folder and Story Works classroom reading subscription.


Primary Meet the Teacher 4:00 – 5:00

Intermediate Meet the Teacher 4:30 – 5:30

We look forward to meeting each of you.

Season Tickets On Sale Monday

For those who held season tickets last year and are wanting to renew those tickets, White Oak Roughneck Football Season Tickets go on sale on Monday, August 19th, from 5:00-7:30 in the HIgh School office.  They will also be available for renewal again on Tuesday evening at same scheduled time.  For those wishing to newly purchase Season Tickets or Change Seats, the nights for purchase are Wednesday and Thursday the same times and same location.
Pricing:  $25 per seat which includes chair-back seating for all five home games! For additional information, contact Dana Mizell at the High School Office.


REMINDER: TODAY, August 6th is NEW STUDENT registration from 9:00-4:00 This is for all PreK-5th students. You MUST bring Proof of residence (current electric bill or current water bill) and a valid Driver’s License in order to enroll your child and receive placement. Registration will take place in the elementary gym. Doors will unlock at 9:00.