A Great Beginning

school first day

Will they let me go when I need to go to the bathroom?
And what if I get lost on my way back to class?
And what if the other kids are a hundred, a thousand, times smarter than I am?
And what if we have a spelling test, or a reading test, or an…anything test, and I’m the only person who doesn’t pass?
And what if my teacher decides she doesn’t like me?
And what if, all of a sudden a tooth gets loose?
And what if I can’t find lunch, or I sit on my lunch, or I (oops!) drop my lunch someplace like the toilet?
Will they let me starve or will somebody lend me a sandwich?
A cookie? A cracker? An apple? Some juice?
And what if they say, “Do this,” and I don’t understand them?
And what if there’s teams and nobody picks me to play?
And what if I took off my sneakers, and also my socks, and my jeans, and my sweatshirt and T-shirt,
And started the first day of school on the second day?

By Judith Viorst

We had a great day today and cannot wait until the second day!

3 thoughts on “A Great Beginning

  1. I want to thank everyone who helped make the first day of school a great success. I had one very happy little girl come home from school today. Thanks Mrs. McCurdy.

  2. Congratulations to the Students, Faculty, Staff and Administration for an outstanding first day of school! You are off to a great start with many great things to come.