Please, Please VOTE!

We know you have all read about budget cuts, but the teachers at White Oak are determined to find ways to provide innovative classroom materials for our children. Six White Oak teachers have currently applied for grants for iPod Touches for the classroom through Limeades for Learning. The only way they will be awarded these grants is if YOU will go to Limeades for Learning, and VOTE FOR THEIR PROJECTS.

To do this, click on the link above> Click on Location> Choose Texas> Choose City> Choose White Oak


Read about each project and VOTE with every email address you have ONCE a day. You may also cast extra votes using the peeler that you get from the bag at any Sonic Drive-in. VOTING BEGINS AUGUST 29TH and grants will be awarded each week.

  • Mrs. Hall’s Project – iPods Needed to Enrich Third Grade Lessons
  • Mrs. Hunter’s Project – iTeach with iTouch
  • Mrs. O’Malley’s Project – iRead with iPods
  • Mrs. Odom’s Project – iTouch Therefore iRead
  • Mrs. Saccoccio’s Project – iPod, iTeach, iLearn…Oh My!
  • Mrs. Wilken’s Project – We Love Reading

Good Luck to all teachers. Please show your support by making a daily commitment to VOTE.

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