Adventure is Calling!

cub_scoutYou and your son (1st through 5th grades) are invited to attend a short information session where you will learn about:

  • How Scouting activities help your son succeed
  • Where to join in East Texas
  • Inexpensive fees
  • The Fun your son will have learning new outdoor and personal skills
  • Meet the local leaders
  • How your son will become a leader

Looking for FUN and ADVENTURE…Come join Cub Scouts!

Thursday, Sept. 2  – 7:00PM – High School Cafeteria

Fees will be collected

How does your garden grow?

growingtree2In celebration of our new White Oak Nature Center, our Fall Box Top Collection Drive will be a contest to see how big each class can grow their Box Top Garden!

Not only will we see which class can grow a great garden, we are going to honor the TOP Boy Gardener and the TOP Girl Gardener on the elementary campus! The girl and boy that bring in the most box tops by October 8 will receive grand prizes listed below.  Eligible box tops need to have visible unexpired dates on them to be counted toward totals.  In addition box tops must be in a baggie, envelope, or collection sheets with the student’s name on the baggies, envelopes, or sheets.  A student’s name does not have to be on each individual box top if it is in some sort of baggie, etc.

Individual box tops will count toward individual student totals and classroom totals.  The top three classrooms with the most box tops in their “gardens” will receive prize money to be spent on their classroom. The top class will receive a “garden party” for their class.





gingerbread_man_wolf_md_clrEvery year the kindergarten classes get all lined up and go on a walking search for the gingerbread man. Our teachers have perfected the art of exciting five-year-olds and getting them convinced that there is a yummy gingerbread man running the halls of our school just waiting to be found. The children do not realize that in the search they have learned how to locate the most important spots on campus. Stops include the nurse’s office, the library, Mrs. Koonce’s office and Mrs. Salter’s desk, and winding down to the ultimate final destination, the cafeteria. There the kindergarteners are rewarded for their perseverance with a cookie of gingerbread.
I remember when the cafeteria workers would bake fresh sheets of gingerbread and the entire school would benefit from the delicious smell. Oh well, times change. We still appreciate our cafeteria for provides the space, the teachers and staff who provide overdoses of adrenaline, and Little Debbies who provides the…well, the “you know what”.

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