On Tuesday of Red Ribbon Week, students are asked to wear sweatpants and a school shirt. It does not have to be a White Oak school shirt. It can be any kind of school shirt. This will be a casual way of letting others know that we are not going to sweat it. We will remain drug free here at White Oak Elementary.
Category Archives: Primary
Paired Up to Be – Drug Free!
Are my eyes deceiving me? I found a pair of students who got creative in their quest to wear RED today. It isn’t even “Dress Like a Friend Day” but these girls always stick together. Thanks to all our students for their participation in Red Ribbon Week.
Be sure to wear your ribbon and red bracelet every day for a chance to win a prize from Mrs. Maines on Friday.
Fall Carnival
Teachers @ Concession Stand
On September 24th when you visit the Concession Stand at the White Oak Roughneck football game, you just might see YOUR teacher. Primary teachers will be working the Concession Stand at the Friday night football game and will be waiting eagerly to serve you. Stop by and see your teacher and order lots of nachos and hotdogs. We want to see them working hard.
Building Students of Character
Here at White Oak Elementary we believe in building students of character by teaching good citizenship. At the primary level, we use the Keystone Character Traits, and at the intermediate level, we use the Chick-fil-A Core Essentials programs. When applied, these traits will build a community of good citizens from our young students. This month’s character trait and core essential is KINDNESS for primary and RESPECT for intermediate. We will work together to build students of character as we teach and learn about the characteristics of a good citizenship foundation. Watch as our foundation grows stronger and stronger.
Winning Teachers
Each year Sonic sponsors an event called Limeades for Learning for the purpose of providing classrooms with those extra tools needed to enhance the learning of our students. Teachers write up their projects and submit them online. The list of projects from all over the United States is then voted on (and donated to) by visitors to the site. Votes are limited to one per day for each email address. At the end of each week for five weeks, the projects with the winning number of votes are funded completely by Sonic.
Congratulations to three of our White Oak Teachers who took the time to write, submit, and solicit votes for your children. Second grade teachers, Mrs. Saccoccio and Mrs. Richeson, will be receiving iTouches for their classroom, and third grade teacher, Mrs. Hunter, will be receiving a digital recorder and microphone for her students.
It is still not too late to submit YOUR projects and start to get the votes coming in for your students. We are waiting to give you our VOTES!