Your 5th Grade Super Bowl Champions!

Congratulations to our 4th and 5th grade football teams on their performance in Saturday’s Super Bowl Competition. Our 4th grade team finished second and our 5th grade team came away with a Super Bowl Championship. Way to go, LiL Necks! We are so proud of each of you.

  • 4th Grade Team: Brontravis Williams, Ethan Smith, Sam Dusek, Dalton Mackey, Ethan Trotter, Corbyn Fryant, Jacob Adcock, Cameron Russo, Mark Koehler, Austin Moss, Adrian Pinson, Cobi Tribble, Ben Loan, Aiden Frazier, Jeff O’Kelley Cook, Dylan Miller, Cade Carter HEAD COACH, Joe Barr
  • 5th Grade Team: Graham Young, Owen Loven, Bradley Madding, Bo Barber, Jackson Frazier, Kaeden Watson, Trevor Hollins, Logan Smith, Carter Senterfitt, Blake Barlow, Kaleb Trahan, Casen Borden, Luke Ummel, Cade Hubbard, Caleb Hill, Zachary Harris, Colton Cobb, Tidus Green, Daylen Meadows, Tysen Pierce, Tucker Yielding, Michael Bort HEAD COACH, Chris Barlow


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