Pep Rally Procedures for Primary and Intermediate Students

Pep Rally Procedures

To keep our students safe we have set up a procedure for checking out your student(s) for each Pep Rally. We appreciate your support with following these procedures. Together we will work toward making sure that all of our students are safe.

  • Any child planning to attend a Pep Rally must have a note and be signed out by an adult. Students with a note will be allowed to go to the Pep Rally pick up area located in the elementary cafeteria. Classroom teachers will keep the note. If parents do not send a note it will take longer to get your child to you. 
  • We will begin releasing students to the adult at 2:45. When parents enter our campus there will be a sign out sheet for you to sign your child out. If you arrive early you can sign the sheet, but students will not be released until 2:45.
  • Once students are released at 2:45, then parents will go to the cafeteria. Your child will come to you. This is to ensure that students are released to the correct adult and are accounted for.

We appreciate your support and assistance with this!


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